
Humanec Visitor App

Secure Your Workplace

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Advanced Visitor Registration

Streamline the check-in process by allowing visitors to pre-register online. They can provide necessary details such as name, purpose of visit, and contact information before arriving.

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Smart Check-In with Face Detection

Enable visitors to check in using facial recognition technology. When they arrive, the app captures their face and matches it against pre-registered profiles.

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Notifications and Alerts

Send real-time notifications to hosts when their visitors arrive. Alerts can be via email, SMS, or app notifications.

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Visitor Analytics and Reporting

Collect data on visitor traffic, peak hours, and frequently visited areas. Generate reports to analyze trends and optimize resources.

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Streamline the Visitor Experience

Provide a professional and efficient experience for your visitors. Reduce wait times and improve the overall visitor experience.

Enhanced Security and Control

Maintain a secure work environment with our visitor management system. Pre-register visitors, track arrivals and departures, and issue badges effortlessly.

Generate Valuable Reports

Gain insights into visitor traffic patterns with comprehensive reports. Identify peak times and optimize reception staffing accordingly.

Keeping Your Data Secure Is Our Highest Priority

work process
  • Automated Backups

    Significantly reduce the risk of permanent data loss, streamline recovery processes, and maintain data integrity

  • Amazon Web Services

    Organizations can ensure a resilient and efficient IT infrastructure that aligns with modern cloud computing standards

  • 2 Factor Authentication

    Add a layer of protection to safeguard sensitive information and ensure secure access to systems and applications

  • IP Whitelisting

    Add a layer of protection to safeguard sensitive information and ensure secure access to systems and applications

Our Promise

100% Safe

Humanec is safe

100% Auto Backup

All data is linked to your phone number

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24/7 Technical Support

Get round-the-clock assistance and quickly resolve issues with dedicated support teams.

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Regular Software Updates

Enjoy new features with frequent updates and stay secure with the latest patches and improvements.

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Comprehensive Training Programs

Learn how to use the app effectively through tutorials, webinars, and user manuals.